Sunday, November 30, 2008

Kota Kemuning 品珍面之家

坐落在 Kota Kemuning, Shah Alam, 的品珍面之家的鸭面是这次旅途的美味佳肴


Emmmmm.... 很好吃 Ssshhhhrrrpppp.........


Kota Kemuning Trip

The trip to Kota Kemuning Shah Alam...

On the way to Shah Alam, the horse cloud come and horse cloud go...

Lonely little doggie sitting in the compartment, sitting so quietly through out the whole journey...

@ Kota Kemuning...
The landlady's Banana Flower so nicely pinky...
The red in the white little flower...
Little yellow flower...
Rambutan Flower?? A bee so busy neh...
Some pretty duckweed...
Small version of the lotus leaves...

On the way back from Pudu, bought from Petaling Street, 茨厂街, my bread meal with roasted dried meat, meat floss and egg... yammy...

On the way back... the hill and the clouds... the paradise scenery... 

Seems that I'm swaying between the mountains in the wonderland...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Tom Yam 炒饭 (改良版)

改良版的Tom Yam 炒饭更美味了>.<
白饭 - 一碗
虾仁 - 随意
墨鱼 - 随意
萝卜 - 半条 (切丁)
西洋芹菜 - 一支 (切丁)
洋葱 - 一粒 (切丁)
蒜头 - 适量 (大概三小颗)
小洋葱 - 适量 (大概十颗)
青葱 - 一颗 (葱花)
鸡蛋 - 两粒
红辣椒 - 一颗 (切片,作点缀用)
Laksa 花 - 一支 (切细)
Tom Yam 酱料 - 两大汤匙
指天椒 - 随意 (喜欢吃辣的认可以加多一些,不加也可以)
油 - 适量
酱清 - 适量 (调味用)


  1. 热油后爆香蒜头和小洋葱至金黄色.然后把部分捞起待用.
  2. 放入Tom Yam 酱料、Laksa 花、指天椒炒香后加入虾仁和墨鱼.
  3. 加入切丁的蔬菜(西洋芹菜、萝卜、洋葱).
  4. 在炒香的材料中间弄个坑,打入蛋.再炒一炒.
  5. 然后放入白饭,炒均匀.如不够咸可以加酱清调味.
  6. 在起锅之前加入葱花和爆香的黄金蒜头和小洋葱.
  7. 炒均匀后起锅.然后洒上辣椒片点缀.

注: 不需要太多油,刚刚好可以爆香蒜头和小洋葱即可.因为Tom Yam 酱料本身已经很油了.

上次加了虾米和香菇的配料都不适合用于配搭Tom Yam,口味不对.


Laksa 花增添了Tom Yam 的香味,真的是配搭得天衣无缝. 绝配...绝配!!!

让人口齿留香,吃了一口还想再次多一口.回味无穷. Ssssshhhhrrrpppp...... :-p